Thursday, June 24, 2010

In the beginning

So this is the beginning... welcome I hope you enjoy your visit and are interested enough to come back for me.  My brain hurts because I'm constantly seeking new forms of information; sometimes it's overload and sometimes it's because I can't figure out an answer.  The latter generally has to do with human behaviour.  The former could range from yummy food to a bad joke.  I think you can get the picture.

I subscribe to Discover Magazine, follow chefs and astronomers on Twitter and spend most TV watching on learning something about something.  I'm ok with a little bit about many things.  There will always be something that we are REALLY good at, and well I'm good at looking for the next new information hit.  I AM an information junkie...

As a result of all this I have found myself requiring more and more outlets and perhaps this will be something that works for me!  Just gotta stick to it hehe :)

So on with the show, enjoy the ride and please reserve comments for after the performance.