Friday, July 9, 2010

To tattoo or to tattoo

There were many warnings that as soon as I had my first tattoo I would always want more.  And hells yeah they were right.  It is a bit worrisome though as I really don't want to be covered in them, but I can't stop thinking about "the next one".

Recent ideas have gone from a fire(sun) and water to a Latin quote.  The quote is - meum cerebrum nocet - my brain hurts.  I really like it and when you look at in a script form there's a really nice flow to it.  I did have someone tell me that it was a bad idea as I would have to explain to people what it meant...

Well that's just what happens when you have tattoos, or at least it should in my opinion.  Tattoos should represent something and regardless of the meaning, it should mean something.  I don't care if it's a pretty flower as a tramp stamp or some misspelled Chinese characters it should hold some sort of importance to the person.  My tattoos are OK to look at on their own not much interpretation needed.  But I do have to explain the one on my wrist (Aries & Pisces signs combined, though I accidentally placed it upside down to show others) quite often which is fine I don't mind explaining, it means a lot to me.  (see where I went there).  If you choose to have a tattoo in a visible place you should be expect questions and inquiries about it.  If that concerns you, you shouldn't have it.  End of story.

So on to my third whoops fourth... uh oh... um ok.  So on to my fourth one.  I still really like the Latin quote but I was also on the Science Tattoo Emporium site and started thinking of doing something different.  Something that speaks about the nerd in me.  It really has been there for a long time.  You could technically say that my first and second tattoos had a science spin to them.  Crescent moon (with a daisy chain) and a star, respectively.  I need to do some more thinking and looking into what is possible with ink in skin.  I would hate to come up with a great idea that only looks good on paper.

Well I think it's back to the drawing board with the fourth one.  I really do like the science idea I just need to come up with one that works.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Worth a thousand words?

It's said that a picture is worth a thousand words... if that's the case then the value of a dollar has greatly decreased in picture land.  All over Facebook there are blurry, poorly composed (aligned in other words) and just lame photos subjects altogether.  I am not taking into account all the duckfaces here, just bad photos.  Are you proud of the photos that didn't turn out?  Do you need to post all 123 pics you took at last weekends ball tournament...

Now I admit to having an outrageous amount of photos on my own Facebook page but they are photos I'm proud of or ones that have been specifically requested.  I have seen so many albums full of blurry consecutive images of two people on the other side of the fire (for example of course).  Yeah sure I'm judgmental since I do consider myself to be somewhat talented as a photographer so I feel confident when I say they are crappy.

To make things a little clearer I'll post some photos I took camping.  Now I would never choose to share these with people, aside from maybe one of them, since they are.. .well crappy!


So how many of you have seen pics like this only repeated over and over in someone's album?  I'm sure a lot of you.  It's an epidemic I swear.  I long for the days when the albums had a 60 picture limit...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I know you are but who am I?

I once used a song lyric as a status update on Facebook, well not just once, a lot, but one in particular: "Is this who you are not who you want to be?" - Just Impolite, Plushgun (fun video btw)  A friend's 10 year old daughter commented that she didn't get it (why she's on there is a different topic altogether) and I can understand why.  It's a concept that can be difficult to understand if you've never posed the question to yourself.  Is this who I actually am?  Is there someone else I'm trying to be?

I know from my own experiences that just because I want to come across a certain way doesn't mean that's how it happens.  I recently had a realization that this "person" I thought I was, wasn't actually the case.  It was extremely unnerving but incredibly helpful.  I like knowing the truth instead of living in ignorance.

So what happens when we ask ourselves the question... Am I who I want to be?  I believe that there are cases where once that question is posed the person panics.  They are not who they want to be.  And instead of looking for ways to become that person they want to be, they instead try and make people around them believe what they want to believe.  I would be inclined to say with fairly disastrous results.  The old - They weren't who they said they were.  Well of course not cause when they said it they didn't actually know.

I find the above scenario happens so very often when you are meeting someone new.  Especially if you have a shaky sense of self to begin with.  So many people will say something about themselves in order to appear more "attractive" to the other person (friends, lovers, colleagues) not for once thinking... "hey maybe that's not who I am after all".  When they make a move to become who they really are the other person is left baffled... All of a sudden you've "changed".  But was there really something to change from or was it "missing" all along...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Too big to wrap my head around..

I often wonder what I would be doing had I truly applied myself in school...  Would I be in the sciences?  Most likely yes.  I have always had an interest in the many facets of science and I think if I had put more effort in I would have ended up there.  Most likely not a rocket scientist but something.  Space and the ocean have always had a pull on me.  I can't even begin to count how many various documentaries and shows I've seen from the unknown depths of the sea to the furthest known reaches of the galaxy.  My subscription to Discover gives me even further opportunities to feed this desire.  And that's where I run into a problem...

My brain hurts when I try and understand how big the known universe is.  Watching programs about space (and no not my geek/nerd series - documentaries) seems to provide me with a clearer understanding of the sheer size of the universe whereas the magazine articles send my brain spinning so quickly that I actually have to work at bringing myself back to the solid ground.  And when I start thinking about how big the universe is, the following is usually what happens...

Wow... so if we are *this* small and the universe has that many possibilities then logic says that there are other things out there, but we are really complicated (or so we think) so if we are here the way we are then how is whoever is out there, there for the way THEY are?  And just how did we get here anyways, changing from nothing to something over how many thousands of years, if it takes that many thousands of years then how old is the universe and if the universe is that old...

I think you may be able to see how easy it is for things to spiral out of control in my head.  Maybe my nerd series is a way for me to explore the reaches in a way that doesn't get out of hand.  Well except for my little obsessions...