Recent ideas have gone from a fire(sun) and water to a Latin quote. The quote is - meum cerebrum nocet - my brain hurts. I really like it and when you look at in a script form there's a really nice flow to it. I did have someone tell me that it was a bad idea as I would have to explain to people what it meant...
Well that's just what happens when you have tattoos, or at least it should in my opinion. Tattoos should represent something and regardless of the meaning, it should mean something. I don't care if it's a pretty flower as a tramp stamp or some misspelled Chinese characters it should hold some sort of importance to the person. My tattoos are OK to look at on their own not much interpretation needed. But I do have to explain the one on my wrist (Aries & Pisces signs combined, though I accidentally placed it upside down to show others) quite often which is fine I don't mind explaining, it means a lot to me. (see where I went there). If you choose to have a tattoo in a visible place you should be expect questions and inquiries about it. If that concerns you, you shouldn't have it. End of story.
So on to my
Well I think it's back to the drawing board with the fourth one. I really do like the science idea I just need to come up with one that works.