Friday, July 30, 2010

Just Do It

I have a problem with procrastinating.  A big problem.  To explain this succinctly, I recently checked two books out, one about the internet (never finished it and I had it for about a month, not a good/easy read) and the other was about procrastination.  I posted on FB "Checked out a book about procrastination, think I'll finish it tomorrow".  Ha ha it was pretty funny, even though it was the honest truth.  I was heading to Princeton the next day and thought I might read it on the way or while we were there.  Anyways - I never did crack it open and returned it.

Looking on the library's catalogue list I see that Phil Plait's (@BadAstronomer) book "Death from the skies! : these are the ways the world will end" has 6 copies available and one at the branch just down the road.  I've been meaning to pick it up and it is only 5 minutes away, and I was reading a John Grisham novel so I wasn't in that big of a hurry.  Well that novel is almost done and it's fireworks night tomorrow so I figured I could pick up the book tomorrow.  Seeing as I have procrastinated this entire week...

Pretty sure you can tell where this is going.  The book is checked out.  I procrastinated and now its gone until August 27th according to the website.  I tweeted "Dammit!Procrastinated getting a book from the library & it's checked out. Maybe I should check out the "Stop Procrastinating" book instead."  And I mean it.  This is most likely going to get worse before it gets better.

Alas said procrastination book is also checked out.  FML.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Found it!

A little while back I wrote about what my next tattoo would be and I believe I have now come to a decision.  I want a galaxy and whirlpool combined.  Most of my tattoo ideas have been of combining two things that are important to me or that really interest me.  And well I was on the track of science a few weeks ago and this fits the bill.  My fascination with the ocean and space.

As I was searching for some images to use as reference I knew I was looking for a spiral galaxy of some sort.  In order to incorporate the whirlpool it would only make sense.  So I'm looking through the Hubble site for inspiration and I stumble across a galaxy known as M51 or the "Whirpool" galaxy.  I just about stopped dead in my tracks.  Here I am looking for something to mix with a whirlpool and the galaxy that catches my eye goes by the same name!  It was definitely one of those "fate" moments.  Or whatever you want to call it.  These things came together in a way that just made sense.

So I guess I should share what I've found:

There are other images of the Whirlpool Galaxy but the colours in this particular one really appeal to me.  Once I decided on combining the two elements I knew I wanted to have reds and/or blues in the galaxy.  After all, it is a bit hard to represent star light in a tattoo so the surrounding colours need to be bright, yet galaxy like.  The whirlpool is the easy part and I'm sure if I put some effort into it I could draw one myself.  I do like the colours in the picture I found and I'm inclined to see what Japanese style with the water might look like.

Needless to say I'm incredibly excited that I figured this out as it puts to rest something that I have been thinking about... a lot.  Now I just have to sort out how big it needs to be so I know where it can go.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

There have been SO many studies done on narcissism and Facebook.  And they all say the same thing.  It's pretty easy to judge the level of narcissism in a person looking solely at their Facebook profile. (pictures, messages, activity) It goes far beyond the self promotion that you see in a person's profile picture when you start to dig deep.

I'll own up for my own page and what it really means.

I currently have 394 friends, about three times as many friends as the average Facebook user has.
 - Not sure why, I do look through a lot of people and I do plan on doing some culling when I'm working again.

I tend to post things that I find interesting and want to share with other others.
 - I want people to think I'm interesting, smart and in the know.

I have my tagged photos hidden and remove tags that others do when I don't like the photo.
 - I don't want people all over the internet seeing what I look like.  I am not comfortable with most of my photos and definitely have esteem issues with them being out for all to see. 

I've changed my user name away from my own name as a means to avoid potential employers.
 - Extremely nervous about what other people can see and I am aware of the problems that have occurred due to poor online behaviour/photos and I really want to avoid that.

I've blocked and/or limited people who I do not want seeing my online life.
 - So much stupid drama happens on this stupid site and I am just trying to protect myself from stupid cliquey bullshit.

I have a lot of photo albums but most of them are not photos of partying. 
 - I'm extremely proud of the photos I take and I know I'm good at it.  I guess in some way I look for reassurance that what I think is true.

So given the above do I have narcissistic traits?  Probably a little.  My point here today though is the profiles you look at and you just shake your head.  Why are there so many duckfaces?  Why all the posing with drinks in your hands?  Why all the "loves yous xoxoxo"?  Why all the "oh you're sooooo pretty! Thnx u too muah! xoxo"?  Why all the changing of the profile picture... every day?  Why all the "deep introspective" quotes?  Why all the "woe is mes"? WHY?


Yep that's it.  But there IS a solution.  We don't have to fall victim to the trap of Face-issism!  Don't comment when someone is only looking for sympathy.  We're all smart enough to know when someone is truly reaching out and when someone just wants to be soothed.  We have the power to be in a conversation with our friends and point out how ridiculous they look with their duckfaces next to the straw in their highball.  We can take back a world where we are sharing things with others instead of trying to force how awesome we are on to other people.  I guess this means I shouldn't point out how smart I am with the things I find on the interweb.  Crap.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


In recent conversations the concept of being a good person for the sake of being a good person has come up a few times.  In direct relation to the idea - if other people are assholes why do I have to be nice?  It's so easy to fall into that trap.  Especially if you're cranky, in a rush or late, in a crowd of people, and well I'm sure you can get the idea.  And take note that I am on of the first to say that I hate people, especially stupid people.  That doesn't mean that I should behave like those people though.

In some way I do believe in the idea of karma, but not "Secret" like stuff such as "imagine a Porsche and you will have one".  But that by doing good things for ourselves that energy will bring in more good things.  This is undoubtedly a hard to prove unless you look at it from the perspective of feeling good about yourself.  No matter how hard we try, what we "think" others feel about us is never as important as how we feel about ourselves.  And if we do good things in our life to feel good about our actions and behaviours, that positivity will no doubt have some impact.  I believe that if you are happy or at least accepting and working on your self, than what happens to you has less of a negative impact.

No one can make us feel anything.  We feel those things because of our perception of the situation.  Our perception is built on a number of things, past experiences, knowledge of the other person(s), and our emotional state at the time.  I get frustrated when I'm in the stores and dealing with the stupid people as I mentioned before.  But if I'm in a good place it's much much easier to deal with them.  You don't have to react or acknowledge the situation unless you are directly involved or it concerns some ones safety. 
**this does not imply that everyone around you should be ignored completely, a certain level of awareness is required at all times to function as a reasonable, respectful individual**

Which brings me back to being good.  So what if the person cut in front of you when you waiting in the rain for the bus.  Being a good person means being a good person no matter what.  I will admit that I have had my fair share of lashings out when I've been in a pissy mood or just plain aggravated.  But I do strive to be a "good person" most of the time.  I know how it feels to be treated poorly because someones an asshole and I also know what it sounds like to hear someone behave like that asshole.  There's no point.  The energy required to behave in such a way is wasted.  And as studies have proved a calmer state of being and not being stressed through anxiety will feel better over all.  Physically better.  Which will in turn keep you happy because you won't be feeling like shit.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The perfect recipe

A lot of people nowadays are being told "you're too picky, you're never going to meet someone if you don't lower your standards."  I do tend to agree.  A lot of us are extremely picky so it's no surprise when they idea pops up.  I know that I can be extremely picky and I can think of at least one case where things very well could have been different had I not turned away that fateful night.  I say that as he is now engaged and we still get along great whenever we see each other... sigh....

BUT instead of wallowing in that sad little story I have decided to make me perfect man.  My ideal, fantasy, dream in the sky and never going to happen man. 

 - Not too tall, on the shorter side in fact.  I'd say 5'7" - 5'8"
 - Light coloured eyes.  Blue would work.  A super cool, almost see through lighter shade would be very nice.
 - On the stockier side.  Not heavy or 'fat' but thick.  No skinny chicken legs or arms please.
 - Stronger face.  Not baby faces.  Thinking back I think a lot of my faves had had larger noses.  Not that I'm looking for a large nose but it would probably work.
 - No "G" clothing.  Good chance I would be offering advice over what to wear so clothes aren't that big of a deal as long as it's not "G".  That's a hard habit for people to break.

The Rest - kinda a mish mash of likes/dislikes/must haves
 - Sweet but not sucky.
- Watch & play Jeopardy with me and sometimes let me win.
 - Watches bad horror movies that are trying to be good with me.
 - Eats sushi
 - Will go to the theatre (plays/performances)
 - Is a good camper
 - Eats meat
 - Is geekier than me and turns me on to new geek things
 - Has or is planning on tattoos
 - Humour sounds cliche but is an absolute must.  A dry sense of humour would be good
 - An accent.  British, Irish, Scottish, Aussie, South African, or Kiwi would do.
 -  Self aware.  To err is human.  And I find that a certain level of self awareness is required to really be able to laugh at your self.  Which is another cliche I know.
 - A foodie.  Doesn't have to be a good cook, I can take care of most of that.  But must be able to cook and definitely enjoy food.
 - Adventurous.  In many forms. Music, food, movies, books, concepts, ideas, people, places...
- Likes pets.  And definitely cats.
 - Not a full bar star.  Hanging out can be much more fun and there are better things to do and to spend your money on than going out and getting trashed.
 - Live music.  If he can play an instrument even better!
- The job doesn't matter but would be nice to be making more or at least on par with me.
 - Knows exactly what to do when my mood swings... and then immediately swings back. 
 - Doesn't care when I pass judgment on strangers I pass, and chimes in with an imitation.
 - Knows how to operate basic household tools.  Can drill a hole and hang his own shelf.
 - Morning nookie
 - Drinks beer.  At least most of the times.  I don't enjoy hard liquor and it just makes things easier.
 - Eats Asian food.  Especially dim sum.
 - Can do laundry.  And remembers which clothes can't go in the dryer or asks first.
 - If he won't clean the toilet at least do the bathtub/shower.
 - Watches bad TV with me and will yell at it with perfect timing.
 - Doesn't have a "crew" of guys where it's always "boys night out".  Go out with the boys for sure but do it because it's a good group of friends.  Not the "gotta get away from the ball and chain" idea.  I don't do girls nights.
 - Buys "just because" flowers.

So there's a sampling of the things I am looking for.  Shouldn't be too hard right?