Monday, July 26, 2010

The perfect recipe

A lot of people nowadays are being told "you're too picky, you're never going to meet someone if you don't lower your standards."  I do tend to agree.  A lot of us are extremely picky so it's no surprise when they idea pops up.  I know that I can be extremely picky and I can think of at least one case where things very well could have been different had I not turned away that fateful night.  I say that as he is now engaged and we still get along great whenever we see each other... sigh....

BUT instead of wallowing in that sad little story I have decided to make me perfect man.  My ideal, fantasy, dream in the sky and never going to happen man. 

 - Not too tall, on the shorter side in fact.  I'd say 5'7" - 5'8"
 - Light coloured eyes.  Blue would work.  A super cool, almost see through lighter shade would be very nice.
 - On the stockier side.  Not heavy or 'fat' but thick.  No skinny chicken legs or arms please.
 - Stronger face.  Not baby faces.  Thinking back I think a lot of my faves had had larger noses.  Not that I'm looking for a large nose but it would probably work.
 - No "G" clothing.  Good chance I would be offering advice over what to wear so clothes aren't that big of a deal as long as it's not "G".  That's a hard habit for people to break.

The Rest - kinda a mish mash of likes/dislikes/must haves
 - Sweet but not sucky.
- Watch & play Jeopardy with me and sometimes let me win.
 - Watches bad horror movies that are trying to be good with me.
 - Eats sushi
 - Will go to the theatre (plays/performances)
 - Is a good camper
 - Eats meat
 - Is geekier than me and turns me on to new geek things
 - Has or is planning on tattoos
 - Humour sounds cliche but is an absolute must.  A dry sense of humour would be good
 - An accent.  British, Irish, Scottish, Aussie, South African, or Kiwi would do.
 -  Self aware.  To err is human.  And I find that a certain level of self awareness is required to really be able to laugh at your self.  Which is another cliche I know.
 - A foodie.  Doesn't have to be a good cook, I can take care of most of that.  But must be able to cook and definitely enjoy food.
 - Adventurous.  In many forms. Music, food, movies, books, concepts, ideas, people, places...
- Likes pets.  And definitely cats.
 - Not a full bar star.  Hanging out can be much more fun and there are better things to do and to spend your money on than going out and getting trashed.
 - Live music.  If he can play an instrument even better!
- The job doesn't matter but would be nice to be making more or at least on par with me.
 - Knows exactly what to do when my mood swings... and then immediately swings back. 
 - Doesn't care when I pass judgment on strangers I pass, and chimes in with an imitation.
 - Knows how to operate basic household tools.  Can drill a hole and hang his own shelf.
 - Morning nookie
 - Drinks beer.  At least most of the times.  I don't enjoy hard liquor and it just makes things easier.
 - Eats Asian food.  Especially dim sum.
 - Can do laundry.  And remembers which clothes can't go in the dryer or asks first.
 - If he won't clean the toilet at least do the bathtub/shower.
 - Watches bad TV with me and will yell at it with perfect timing.
 - Doesn't have a "crew" of guys where it's always "boys night out".  Go out with the boys for sure but do it because it's a good group of friends.  Not the "gotta get away from the ball and chain" idea.  I don't do girls nights.
 - Buys "just because" flowers.

So there's a sampling of the things I am looking for.  Shouldn't be too hard right?

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