Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

There have been SO many studies done on narcissism and Facebook.  And they all say the same thing.  It's pretty easy to judge the level of narcissism in a person looking solely at their Facebook profile. (pictures, messages, activity) It goes far beyond the self promotion that you see in a person's profile picture when you start to dig deep.

I'll own up for my own page and what it really means.

I currently have 394 friends, about three times as many friends as the average Facebook user has.
 - Not sure why, I do look through a lot of people and I do plan on doing some culling when I'm working again.

I tend to post things that I find interesting and want to share with other others.
 - I want people to think I'm interesting, smart and in the know.

I have my tagged photos hidden and remove tags that others do when I don't like the photo.
 - I don't want people all over the internet seeing what I look like.  I am not comfortable with most of my photos and definitely have esteem issues with them being out for all to see. 

I've changed my user name away from my own name as a means to avoid potential employers.
 - Extremely nervous about what other people can see and I am aware of the problems that have occurred due to poor online behaviour/photos and I really want to avoid that.

I've blocked and/or limited people who I do not want seeing my online life.
 - So much stupid drama happens on this stupid site and I am just trying to protect myself from stupid cliquey bullshit.

I have a lot of photo albums but most of them are not photos of partying. 
 - I'm extremely proud of the photos I take and I know I'm good at it.  I guess in some way I look for reassurance that what I think is true.

So given the above do I have narcissistic traits?  Probably a little.  My point here today though is the profiles you look at and you just shake your head.  Why are there so many duckfaces?  Why all the posing with drinks in your hands?  Why all the "loves yous xoxoxo"?  Why all the "oh you're sooooo pretty! Thnx u too muah! xoxo"?  Why all the changing of the profile picture... every day?  Why all the "deep introspective" quotes?  Why all the "woe is mes"? WHY?


Yep that's it.  But there IS a solution.  We don't have to fall victim to the trap of Face-issism!  Don't comment when someone is only looking for sympathy.  We're all smart enough to know when someone is truly reaching out and when someone just wants to be soothed.  We have the power to be in a conversation with our friends and point out how ridiculous they look with their duckfaces next to the straw in their highball.  We can take back a world where we are sharing things with others instead of trying to force how awesome we are on to other people.  I guess this means I shouldn't point out how smart I am with the things I find on the interweb.  Crap.

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