I once used a song lyric as a status update on Facebook, well not just once, a lot, but one in particular: "Is this who you are not who you want to be?" - Just Impolite, Plushgun (fun video btw) A friend's 10 year old daughter commented that she didn't get it (why she's on there is a different topic altogether) and I can understand why. It's a concept that can be difficult to understand if you've never posed the question to yourself. Is this who I actually am? Is there someone else I'm trying to be?
I know from my own experiences that just because I want to come across a certain way doesn't mean that's how it happens. I recently had a realization that this "person" I thought I was, wasn't actually the case. It was extremely unnerving but incredibly helpful. I like knowing the truth instead of living in ignorance.
So what happens when we ask ourselves the question... Am I who I want to be? I believe that there are cases where once that question is posed the person panics. They are not who they want to be. And instead of looking for ways to become that person they want to be, they instead try and make people around them believe what they want to believe. I would be inclined to say with fairly disastrous results. The old - They weren't who they said they were. Well of course not cause when they said it they didn't actually know.
I find the above scenario happens so very often when you are meeting someone new. Especially if you have a shaky sense of self to begin with. So many people will say something about themselves in order to appear more "attractive" to the other person (friends, lovers, colleagues) not for once thinking... "hey maybe that's not who I am after all". When they make a move to become who they really are the other person is left baffled... All of a sudden you've "changed". But was there really something to change from or was it "missing" all along...
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