I've got a bunch of stuff on my mind today but not enough to put into a full discussion so I think I'll just leave you with the point form.
- I don't like Rihanna... I don't think she's that talented as a singer. Yeah she's hot but that hot?
- I get sucked into stupid reality shows that offer nothing to a person's "soul". In fact they probably start to suck you dry after awhile. Does anyone really care about the lives of a bunch of fucking twits?
- It really really sucks when you take the risk to trust someone and they let you down... completely. Especially when trust is already hard to achieve.
- Why are people so freakin clueless about their own destructive/abusive behaviour?
- Hearing the Dr. Who theme or seeing clips of the show results in a physical reaction right now.
- I really hope Nathan Fillion saw my clever remark on Twitter.
- Will the drama with Ms. Jr. High ever be over? Do I need to be the one who does something or should things just be left alone and hope it blows over.
- Does the above statement mean that I have anything to do with the situation or have any influence on it?
- I think I'm starting to get sensitive teeth.
- I really want a bike. A simple mountain bike not a full on beach cruiser.
- I want to live in England... badly. I've been thinking about it a lot.
- Is it too late to relearn study habits and get an education in something sciency? I'm guessing I'd have to retake some high school level courses... rats.
- My annoyance level is directly related to my mental exhaustion of the day.
- I am most definitely addicted to the internet.
Ok I think that's enough for today. There will undoubtedly be another addition which may or may not contain the same thoughts. Until next time...
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